We design novel conformal, low profile, wideband, and multiband antennas.
Our designs support harsh environments, retrofit, blank-page, and other implementation challenges.

IERUS’s SATCOM Tactical OTM Lens Antenna (STOLA) platform is redefining the capabilities of communication systems for commercial and DoD customers. STOLA is a 3D-printed lens acting as a passive beamformer. The system has reconfigurable array choices for wideband frequency coverage.
- High Gain
- No Grating Lobes
- Lightweight / Cost Effective
- Multiple Beams
- Passive Beam Steering
- Ultra-Wideband
- Large Scan Angle without Scan Loss
- Tailorable design to meet operational requirements
- Lens operational bands: X, Ku, Ka
- Supporting array can be customized based on IERUS portfolio or antenna technologies (Phased Array, Switched Beam Steering Network)